- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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You should play Limbus Company!
if u like this try aether gazer cn
Tectone: I don't like them
Them: *start blasting*
Tectone: WTF
TEctone seeS a loli: what the f is that.
The loli: starts doing crazy moveS and damage.
Tectone: THAT'S CRAZY, MAN!.
Old dude with the hat and the ice bird summoner lady are definitely my favorites here! They've got style and grace in spades! The dude even throws his hat as part of his attack string!
Man favourite be so objective, those 2 are my less fav.
And the fact they're 4 star only 👏
I think the pink haired girls are my faves easily. That greatsword looks so fuckin fun to use and that little one's ult looks hella sick too imo. Oh and the girl that attacks with plant roots looks cool too
@@henrykekw you mean subjective
The combat system is definitely interesting and fun.There is alot of things to learn it.Basicalky,all characters have three types of skill sets,resonance skill,resonance liberation(burst) and core forte(core passive).All characters have unique mechanics and playstyle although they have the same weapon type.You can see their core forte passive on above their HP bars.For example,Yang Yang(3:21),she has three stacks of sound bar on her HP.Using her E,hold auto attack,burst will fill one stack each and at full stack,her hold auto will launch enemies into the air instead of stabbing,and do air combo.Chixia(4:48) you will find she will fill bullets with each auto and then empty the whole 60 mags with her hold E.Danjin(11:28)You can find how her E icon changes depending on her core passive stack and normal attack combo.And sanhua(12:54)You can notice that Her charge attack will turn into slashing attack,if you manage to time the cursor to hit the blue note.And more.And there is Echos that you can capture and summon in battle.And the game mechanics is based on parrying and dodging.Most of the bosses need to parry their attacks to stun and make them venurable,otherwise,they will be more aggresive and have high resistance.There is alot of things to learn in combat,and also concentro effect(QTE) is also part of the combat too.
the mist guy is simply the coolest character so far
He is like vash the stampede (1998 trigun). His short descriprion is: behind his "deadly risks" hides Carefully thought out plans. And he acts just like him, imho
"What's with all the dudes???" I'm sorry Tectone but you are nuts. There's a ton of female waifus in Gacha games. Husbandos are always welcome.
It’s just….you really notice when a game isn’t a down bad fan service when it has more than 2 male characters and it’s honestly so refreshing
@@Waffle-dog and the funny part his that when the character does the finger guns ultimate he proceeds to like it a lot xD
I enjoy waifus and husbandos all the same but the marketing for waifus is saturated...
Tectone: Where are all the chicks?
Also Tectone: All these dudes are hot!
indeed, I just hope in long term that there at least some dude releasing than female waifu. It happens alot in gacha games since wiafu sell well so barely male character releasing as time goes by
I am so happy husbandos are getting more recognized love to see it ❤ so people get their waifus and husbandos too
Ngl the combat looks great, and the character designs are on point.
the power of unreal engine
Tectone: where are the girls
Me: girls? I NEED MEN!
The battle expierence looks a lot more lively than in Genshin. It looks so sick!!! I am so excited!!
Yeah, it has much more creativity in the combat
Every game has better gameplay than Genshin 😅
@@JohnDoe-pt7ru FR bro, like if you’re gonna have combat like that, might as well play HSR
0:10 Vera but puppeteer.
1:59 Qu but better and genderbent.
3:21 Dawn mixed with Lotus but blue.
4:48 Palefire but red and genderbent.
5:50 Noctis but blue.
7:02 Uncle Watanabe but cooler.
8:38 No.21 but pink.
11:20 Rozen but less aggressive ig.
12:47 Alpha but less motivation ig.
15:42 Ayla mixed with Kimochi Yokatta.
17:08 Roy Mustang but red?!
we need a roland but more unhinged
Ha! Kimochi Yokatta
The first redhead girl is about to create an army of simps i can feel it.
@@pikaachoo3888 just like Vera in pgr
@@zacharytan1883 the villain scar
“What’s with all the dudes!?”
“Alright he stays”
I think the coolest part of this is that most of these characters are supposedly 4-stars, so they're more easily obtainable. In all honesty, Yangyang and Chixia, who I'm assuming are the starter characters aside from the MC, look pretty good and nice to play. Yeah, there are obviously going to be some sweet 5-stars later down the line, but with starters like these ones as well as great looking 4-stars all around, I'm not going to really stress trying to summon everyone at once.
🌸😹Sir Teccy would not allow even a single frame to be had, to elude his sharpened and ever analytical gander!😹🌸
imo this game's male mc looks far better than most other gacha games and I would pick him. I play male mc for more immersiveness and he looks cool and honestly has similar body as mine so yeah I'd rather pick him than 90% of other mcs
Aether 😂🤣
@@saimyintmyat9373gay looking ass
His voice is the best out of all the male characters, of maybe that's just me cuz I like emo mfs
Tec: she's odd / he's weird / she's meh
*not even 10 seconds later*
Tec: hold the fck up, that's so cool
You know the game did a good job when that happened.
5 star:first 2 character in the video,all the lolis,and the MC
4 star:all other character
I swear,Kuro game always makes 4 star character like 5 star quality,you can't even tell.
🌸😹It would be a god betwixt gleeful indulgence of most spectacular title, and we would attend to share the moment😹🌸
For me this game already looks better than genshin. looks like the weapons characters will have will not be similar. Im tired of being locked to only sword, claymore, spear, etc system that genshin has...this allows more options.
@@ssarellas this game seems even better than genshin there’s no way it’ll become what the Genshin devs want genshin to be
@@ssarellas tof sucks wdym better than genshin
@@ssarellas TOF did not look good or play good. It was bad, compared to TOF at first glance withering waves is a triple A game made by devs who actually care.
@@ssarellas bad graphics, bad voice acting, bad story, bad optimization end of story. TOF is not a high bar to pass.
@@ssarellasbro it sounds like you’re coping, what do you have against wuwa 😭
Dont worry Teccy, that girl that summons ice spikes is a quickswap unit that nukes stuff with the spikes and then detonates them again with her charged attack. Good dmg for the amount of time she spends on field
# seems like the classes are
so far-
-puppet master
-sword master
-great sword(claymore)
-gun slingers
# possible classes
-basically anything since its Kuro
there are no classes, only different weapons...
@@_Proxy__ well they still set's in a type of class
Like Selena with her violin or flute so an instrumental user
Basically I did say "so far" for the classes
so that's that's...and
Regarding the classes in PGR basically
bianca (lightning) is a bow user
Karenina (dark) is a war hammer
And so on so fort
It's a weapon, but that also basically defines their classes
@@GreyEnfield_CRYSTAL searching the weapons up isn't too difficult, there's no puppet user, they have auralator (catalyst kind of thing) for example, it's all public knowledge
@@_Proxy__ and?
Bruh , In the first place I already said it's kuro so it can be anything
Also they may be catalysts users, but their fighting style is similar to puppet master that's why I said puppet master(bruh it's just a theory, don't take it to heart)
Moreover,do you even see the comment as a joke related to pgr, well pretty much joking about kuro's weapon selection arsenal and how wild they go in PGR with new types of weapons
My first comment is a joke related to kuro to begin with
so chill
@@GreyEnfield_CRYSTAL you forgot summoner class too. That pink loli girl and baillain.
16:09 that greatsword combo looks extremely satisfying
These all look amazing. I disagree with Tectone on the male Rover MC he looks so cool. I think his "Blandness" comes from his modest outfit but I LOVE LONGSLEEVE SHIRTS WITH PANTS. and with the gloves its just omg so perfectionnnn and his long hair strands in the back are so satisfying.
0:10 dark electro girl
1:00 DADDY ? green dragon super handsome man
3:21 blue girl sword
4:48 redhead guns girl
5:50 fedora cat man
7:05 COOLEST dude, spirit guns
8:37 pink killer baby girl
9:57 beautiful girl pokemon master
11:20 badass redhead sword master
12:47 dark outfit sword girl
14:22 blondy green roots girl
15:41 MOMMY ? OP one shot boss
17:08 Diluc with guns and bad eyesight
18:11 MC handsome boy
19:09 MC SEXIEST girl, looking for Loïd Forger ?
When the guys look better in a Gacha game than the girls lol.
These are early ones tho, check PGR characters if you wanna see how Kuro designs them
Yin Lin still has the coolest abilities and ult
Also, Sanhua and Bailan
@@Hhhh22222-w even in PGR I think the guys look cooler
@@banji7612 debatable
@@femaleshuichi3715 that's why I said I THINK in "my Personal preference" and there is no debate on what I like
Did anyone else notice that the enemy level was low for the main characters. Still very excited.
Yinlin waiting room here (the long red haired girl). We all maining her on release fo sho
I'm gonna main Aalto(white mist dude) and Mortefi(red hair dude with glasses)
@@banji7612 Aalto is sooo demn coool
Love the character designed in this game! Their verry different from genshing but fit the gritty mood way better. Also finally!! A game with good looking dudes!!
My favorites are dragon guy, finger gun guy, red haired dude, Fedora guy, blue girl with black and white hair, white haired swan girl, and pink haired claymore lady
Least favorite characters, red haired girl with the guns, both the kid looking characters even if the one has the cool plant powers and female MC.
Combat some of the sickest I've seen in any game pc and mobile combined!
Genshin makes you climb with Lisa for the "plot"
Wuthering Waves gives it to you in combat.
good LORD the amount of moaning mid-combat is insane and I'm HERE for it xD
Mist glasses dude followed by first girl and red haired demon dude are my top 3 fav... Bro even the mc looks so fcking dope I literally can't wait to abuse the hell out of this game
Smh new xiao didn’t even make your top three
@@DrSwazz indeed Your Honour I am ashamed but cannot deny your accusations.
Finally, I was just thinking that Genshin's combat system is kinda boring for me, I was hoping that there would be a game similar to Genshin but with Honkai's combat system. This game did me justice.
It's especially boring and irritating for me when there are enemies that can completely nullify your shield, and enemies you can't beat if you don't have their specific weakness element.
First character (Redhead): Hot electro chick, we like her
Second character (Horizontal Xiao): SUPER BADASS, we like him
Third Character (the mid "3 star"): Her hair is super cool, and has cool aoe skills, I like her
fourth character (Gunner Girl): she aight, not huge into her design but she plays sick as hell so im super into it
To answer your question, Wuthering Waves has more unique character designs I think, and are cool in a more adult focused way to me, personally.
5th character (Hat Guy): Gauntlet mafia dude, kinda badass
6th character (FInger Guns the Rizzler): DUDE USED FINGER GUNS WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
7th (5 year old): Actually a decent, not weirdly done loli type character. as you said, she aight.
8th (older bear): attacking via an outside source is kinda sick actually, definitely the "safety pick" archetype though, but still super cool
9th (Cute assassin): She crazy but in a cute way ngl, basically a yandere hu tau
10th (Katana Chick): She seems cool, plays like Rosaria it seems, I LOVE her style though!
11th (Plant Girl): Actually seems too good for how much she seems to be the "too innocent to fight" character
12th ("Big ol' Milkers): HOT, BADASS SWORD! "hwheihght" 🤣
13th (Fire gun dragon doctor): ACTUALLY plays badass, bro is CRACKED!
Side Note, having some gunners rather than ALL BOWMEN is a super dope touch
14th (Bland guy): Bro IS bland but did he do a time attack??????
14.5th (Female of bland dude lol): same but looks prettier. NGL tho the dude does still look better than genshin's MC's, but the girl is IMMACULATE
IF This game has actual end game content, content that allows its playerbase to ACTUALLY WANT TO PLAY THE GAME more than once every major update just to play through story content and quit for another half a year, then This is gonna be THE SHIT.
I got into Genshin but when it released I couldnt play it till I got a computer 1.5 years into it's lifetime, was so far behind story wise its all I could do for a full month to barely catch up, then grinded for another month or 2 to attempt to clear spiral abyss and quit when I finally found out that MiHoYo had NO plans for any of my hard work to pay off, meaning I sank so much time and effort into something, when I could have enjoyed more of it, and honestly killed the whole experience for me. This game, this game is DAY ONE BABY! And if it leans more into the things I wanted from Genshin, and I am picking it up immediately, then this may very well be the game that hooks me for the long term. I am HYPE for this!
I mean the point of the showcase is to see the entire kit. So it make sense we arent gonna see one shots
Little did he know
The type of a game Wuthering Waves will ended up being~
I watched the combat video for 3rd time on different channels😂😂
1:36 No way tectone censored him cursing 😨😨😨
RUclips guidelines
The fast paced combat looks very fun
Yup….sexy Yor Forger and the Pink Milkers with big sword are my favorites too…
The mobs levels were being changed from character to character. We might be able to gauge off that, but you get to play today! I didn't get invited so i'll be checking out your channel
Red Head guy, Swan Women, and Green Dragon guy are my must haves.
14:21 took me out LMAO!
Edit: me stoopid WW is indeed in cbt1 and diablo 4 is in june
Brain melted
no wuwa is only on cbt1, it's far from release probably early 2024 i guess
@@CaptainBanana o h, sorry thanks for telling me that i was confused
Ngl, if this game is really what they are advertising then i'm going to quit Genshin. From the gameplay to the trailers it looks like a really well made upgraded version.
Also, they stated somewhere that they are not scared about adding challenging late game content, this is a huge plus for me since Genshin is way too easy.
can't wait for this game to release! I'm super excited to try out the big sword chic Taoqi, and Chixia's gamplay is so much fun. Also, Mortefi looks insane :D
this game will be so good and successful it's the combination of both genshin+tof and pgr
Yinlin is just GORGEOUS
am i the only one who niticed that they reduced the sprinting? Like these closed beta runing was actually running not regular jogging in the full version. I like the older one a lot more
Mortefi, gunslinger scientist guy, and Yuanwu, gentleman brawler dude, are 4* units. So yeah, ez Husbando Speedrun.
Genshin most character's design are more like a "Happy Go Lucky" kinda but most Wuthering Wave character 's design are like matured and powerful.
did anyone else notice the enemy levels were different between characters but the characters were all lvl 50????
Game shows 3 dudes: What’s with all the dudes?!
WoW now this game is really promising. Can't wait
Bro almost every character is motivated in this game
Its been a while since ive watched a tectone vid, and i gotta say, i missed this lovely oaf
The combat system looks far superior to the genshin one!!!
100% and also way better overall
lets see how long yall gonna play it lmao
@@Solr084 longer than I play genshin and thats for sure
Pink girl sword transforms? Nice
To be fair level 50 fighting level 20’s and still struggling is just cruel
yup 😂 , wait until that enemy lv 30 🗿 u will be begging to kuro to lower the goddam lv 😂
you can lower your world difficulty to make the enemies harder/easier
Both of the Dragon summoners just sold me on this game.
For Character designs I would choose Honkai Impact 3 since my favourite is Rita but I have to say male characters in WW looks great and the first female character(I forgot the name again) also looks great
First female is Yinlin, she is a 5 star, like Jiyan (xiao), Anke (Anya), plant girl and MC, the rest are 4 stars
@@Hhhh22222-w that red hair dude on a white coat is a 4 star? He give more of a exclusive 5 star vibes!
@@zenoafroi was fairly surprised by the amount of great 4* characters which felt like 5*s
There is a bazooka character in pgr so there's hope for that
Basically Tectone: *Sees Resonator* Nah, I don't like him/her.
Also Tectone seconds later: 😮😮😮 BRO! WHAT?!
It's like Genshin, Bayonetta, and DMC had a baby
Who else misses the good old days when tectone wasn't a reaction channel, like bro i know we're all burnt out from genshin, but like your content has changed alot😔
Teccy's a streamer before RUclipsr, when he starts playing Wuthering Waves, maybe he'll have guides and tips soon. He's just trying to find something new and avoid burn out.
@@staticth1 im planning on playing wuthering waves too, but its really unbearable to see my favorite content creator just become a reaction channel, like i get it i really do, i might quit genshin too, but teccy didn't do like a final video of officially quiting, its like he just died off.
"You get to play as a reddit mod that's insane " 💀
the gacha rates and how f2p friendly it is will decide my opinion
"Who tf is gonna play as the dude ?" Me and alot of people who aren't weebs like you
@@XochiMictlan6969wdym, many people in the community and me say that male mc has drip
@XochiMictlan🌽🌺 ok, now explain to me why men would wear these things that female characters wear? this game is from a conservative country
so don't give me trans or gay, that doesn't exist here.
@XochiMictlan🌽🌺 cuz men aren't women. We're simple.
We don't need extra cosmetics to look cool. Most of the greatest male designs in fictions are simple. Goku, kenshiro, naruto, Luffy, thorfinn, the bloodborne hunter, the default monster hunter world hunter, Kratos, rengoku, tanjiro, Yusuke, gon, cloud, Zack fair, diluc, zhongli, eren, etc. All of these characters mentioned above have iconic yet simple designs that people will remember than everything you said makes female designs better. Putting too much cosmetics and make up on us can end up looking too extra. Sure there's the exceptions like itto but 9/10 times, that's not the case
And no I'm not a weeb. Other than being a horny 7 yr old, I never played a game or whaled just to look at a female's a$$. Most I did was play as a female character twice in bloodborne and monster hunter to see what the opposite gender outfits look like, wanted to created my ideal girlfriend and freshen up my mood all cuz I was bored to oblivion. Other than that, as a man, I've never spent money on a game to j**k off to 2D a$$. Speak for yourself
@@ryan07407 that's your average genshin fan right there. They wanna make everything good fruity and destroy it. One look at this game and you can tell it's appealing more to a Shonen and seinen demographics and I'm glad the game's like that cuz this way, it's gonna appeal to real men and women while keeping the degens away. Not saying Shonen and seinen communities don't have degens too. They do but they're way less in numbers compared to something like genshin that was made to appeal to everybody, bringing in all the degens. Not just that, men are competitive by nature and when you make a product appealing to them, they're not gonna let any kinda degeneracy or disrespect of their product fly so whatever degens do wanna start some shit here, they won't be able to cuz the men will gore them. This is why it's important to make products appeal to men and women, especially men. They act like godzilla towards degeneracy
my fav part of combat is styling on the hoes. There's just something about kicking ass and looking slick when doing it.
i think the last 2 characters are the MC cause they have the same attack and skills and look the same.
I like ww design
im here wondering how the guy playing is dodging every attack thats insane
My new game fr
im a big heavy weapons guy. that said i dont mind other heavy things 👀
as a small child, i will use the small children
Can't wait for Switch version
Dude be bisexual, then every character is hot!
if this was a mihoyo game tectone would be shitting over the combat more than just saying idk anything about it but it looks cool.
I hope Tectone doesn't spend ungodly amounts of money on this game and then regret it and start hating on every aspect of it.
Well he’s absolutely going to spend ungodly amounts of money. Whether he hates it depends on how whale-resistant the game’s content is lol
That's how these "content creators" make their contents, sadly. Even sadder is that people buy it and enjoy this type of content.
Last 2 were def main mc's
The lolis hit different in this game too sheessshh!
the male mc is so fine omfg
I'm looking at this gameplay and feeling like i would rather main a Wuthering Waves two and a half stars than a Genshin six stars if they ever make one
hopefully the story and the systems are good too
but so far im maining that Kakarot guy i can't believe he's a standard banner character ITS INSANE
Plot twist the bland dude is the main character
And all hes clicking is left cliiick hell yeahh
This is the type of game where I use supports as main dps just for the challenge lol
i just hope they release them on consoles too
the mc's are overpowered ngl
the battle ost kinda hard 😳😳
The real genshin competitor .
Shawty said Bankai
Have my cries been answered is this a husbando game 😍
wow they changed so much since
Ohhhhh yeah gunslingers that shit looks really cool.
Oh my gosh. I think I just jizzed a little because THIS LOOKS AWESOME
so much god damned STYLE in combat!
First time seeing a gacha game where there's more boys than girls that is not targeted to female audience
I hear both Gender MC have a Difference background story
Baldie farming views from a game whose devs he insulted. Gatekeep Tectone from Wuthering Waves.
damn nappa got reincarnated as a streamer
Character designs but their gameplay looks cool