  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Welcome back to another video - I hope you enjoy this video and it gives you a new outlook on your wardrobe. As always a HUGE thank you for watching!
    AD| COSY ISLAND cosyisland.co/...
    For 10% off use my discount code: YT10monica
    Shoes featured:
    Pointed Toe Heeled Mules: tinyurl.com/yv...
    Ankle Boots: tinyurl.com/5n...
    Toe Pumps: tinyurl.com/2p...
    Follow me on socials - www.instagram....
    Email - monicamarmills@hotmail.com
    Other items worn:
    My handbag: millsandbrown.... (back in stock soon)
    Music by: Bensound.com/free-music-for-videos
    License code: IYEPT1BSLZVDEP89
    #luxuryonabudget #styleideas #lowbuytips

Комментарии • 57

  • @nenawells3916
    @nenawells3916 4 дня назад +4

    Fantastic video. Great fashions tips and ideas. I am checking my wardrobe for those suggested pieces.

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +2

      Thanks so so much! Glad you enjoyed and happy ‘re-wardrobe’ shopping! ❤ Monica xx

  • @gailwilliams5278
    @gailwilliams5278 4 дня назад +4

    A nice and concise overview of outfit principles. Thanks!

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +1

      Thank you so much Gail for your kind words and feedback ❤️❤️❤️

  • @debrasams2362
    @debrasams2362 4 дня назад +2

    Wonderful. You're so right. These styling methods definitely look chic. I enjoyed this. Thanks much for sharing.🥰

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +2

      Thanks so much Debra! That’s very kind of you to say and I’m glad you enjoyed watching ❤ xx

  • @sdouglas5207
    @sdouglas5207 День назад

    Great video Monica, very sound ideas shared. I've been doing the sandwich method for years, but i like the monochromatic theme and pointed shoes to elongate the look. Very timely as I've just purchased a pair of pointy mary janes and wasnt sure how to style them with my current wardrobe.Thanks for the inspiration xx

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  День назад

      Hello! Thank you so so much for your feedback!!! Ahh yes the sandwich method is just SUCH a fail-safe! Let
      Me know how you get on with the shoes, always good to have feedback and so happy you enjoyed. With love, Monica xxx

  • @barbc7211
    @barbc7211 3 дня назад +2

    Great practical advice Monica ❤thank you :)

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  3 дня назад

      You are very welcome!! Thanks so much for watching ❤️

  • @HappyCroissant-vw1kn
    @HappyCroissant-vw1kn 4 дня назад +1

    Good Ideas I have similar items in my wardrobe and thanks to you styling tips I can now get some wear out of them ❤❤

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад

      Thanks so much!! Love this and have fun ❤❤❤

  • @carolyngrotaers4454
    @carolyngrotaers4454 4 дня назад +2

    Fabulous tips, Monica. I love a statement accessorie.

  • @mariatrotter6889
    @mariatrotter6889 3 дня назад +1

    I have so many great quality button down shirts … I wear them multiple ways .. love th … you are correct one can make multiple outfits …

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  3 дня назад

      Absolutely!! Happy styling ❤️❤️❤️

    • @mariatrotter6889
      @mariatrotter6889 День назад

      You’re doing a nice job with your channel . Bravo

  • @audreymarx1954
    @audreymarx1954 3 дня назад +1

    Great video! Your enthusiasm is delightful, and you really made my brain get into gear. Thank you, pretty, petite lady.

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  3 дня назад

      Thanks so so much! That’s very kind of you to say and enjoy the process!! Monica ❤️❤️❤️

  • @pauline9933
    @pauline9933 3 дня назад +1

    Love the outfits and different from other RUclipsrs. Im off to dig out my maxi skirt and do a new colour sandwich outfit with it!
    Love your content.

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  3 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed and happy finding new outfits! 😍❤️🫶🏼xx

  • @kathycantrell7062
    @kathycantrell7062 4 дня назад +1

    Thank you for the styling advice, lovely video as always!

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад

      Thank you so much Kathy! I’m glad you enjoyed it ❤️❤️❤️

  • @sunshine-bs2jx
    @sunshine-bs2jx 4 дня назад +1

    Hi Monica x great video as always xxx

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +1

      Hello there! ❤️ thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed xxxx

  • @lisafenn4238
    @lisafenn4238 4 дня назад +1

    Hello Darling. Well talk about coincidence.... I was just thinking that I hadn't seen a video from you for a while and I logged on to RUclips and Hey presto... there you are!! Great advice in this video. I tend to wear the same t shirt jeans and hoodie over and over... I don't think I have opened my wardrobe in six months ( yes I am ashamed) lol. Sending you all my love honey xxxxxx

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +1

      Hello Lisa! Awww that’s so nice to hear you were tho king of my videos! Glad I posted at the right time ❤ hahaha yes get that wardrobe open! 😂 sending love back and thanks for watching xxx

    • @lisafenn4238
      @lisafenn4238 4 дня назад

      @@themonicaway. xxxxxxx

  • @jeanwheelan
    @jeanwheelan 4 дня назад +5

    Love your blogs Monica,would love more,aren't you doing as many now as you did,do miss them.

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +8

      Thanks so much!! Sorry, yes I usually aim for one a week but I’ve been sick the last two weeks so sadly haven’t managed to be as active this month. Promise I’ll be back with more regular videos soon! I miss it too ❤️ thanks for watching xxxx

    • @tinacarrol6702
      @tinacarrol6702 4 дня назад +2

      Lovely Monica,Hope your Feeling Better.Xx 🥰

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +2

      Thank you so much Tina ❤️❤️❤️

    • @jeanwheelan
      @jeanwheelan 4 дня назад +2

      Oh dear, so hope you're feeling much better now Monica,didn't realise you'd been poorly,so enjoy your vlogs,they're so inspiring,keep well & take them.

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +1

      @@jeanwheelanyou’re too kind!! ❤❤❤ hopefully on the mend now and thank you for your kind words! I’ve missed making videos ❤ have a lovely weekend! Monica Xx

  • @PatriciaEnright
    @PatriciaEnright 2 дня назад +1

    Great video Monica with such good advice. It's nice to wear those clothes that get forgotten about in the wardrobe! Also agree that if you're not wearing something as it just doesn't fit right etc, best to donate and free up space. Love all your outfit ideas and the chic shoes and elegant bag. You really guide my style choices these days!

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  2 дня назад

      Thanks so much for your kind words Patricia. I’m glad you enjoyed the video and tips! Wishing you a fab rest of your week ❤ Monica xxx

    • @PatriciaEnright
      @PatriciaEnright День назад +1

      Hi Monica, just reading through other posts and saw you've been unwell. Sorry to hear that but nice to know you are ok now. Take care 🥰

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  День назад

      Awww! You’re too kind, thank you, I’m very much on the mend! Sending love xxx

  • @deborah972
    @deborah972 4 дня назад +1

    What a beautiful vlogs moncia ,thanks so much for your vlogs ❤🎉😊 xx

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад

      Awww thanks so much for watching! I really appreciate your feedback xxx

  • @ohabrie8271
    @ohabrie8271 День назад

    Great video! Would you mind sharing which product(s) you're wearing on your lips? xx

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  День назад +1

      Hello there! Thanks so much!! Yes of course, I only wear ONE lipstick generally and it’s called ‘Myth’ by Mac! I even wore it on my wedding day ❤️ I hope this helps - if you need a link LMK and I’ll find it xxx

  • @susanhill7889
    @susanhill7889 4 дня назад +2

    Hi Monica what code do I use for cosy island

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +2

      Hi Susan! The code is: YT10monica which is 10% off - hope this helps ❤️ x

    • @susanhill7889
      @susanhill7889 3 дня назад +1

      I am 5ft.
      I like pointed toe shoes with straight trousers. They look really nice and a good price too.

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  3 дня назад

      @@susanhill7889gorgeous choice! Let me know how you find them ❤

  • @talktothehandreviews
    @talktothehandreviews 4 дня назад +1


  • @TSage68
    @TSage68 4 дня назад +1

    Love the shoes. Do you have to pay import duties if ordering shoes from the US to UK?

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much! I had no issues!! To my knowledge (please note this could be subject to changes & I’m not an expert) customs taxes only apply if they have a value of over £135 when shipping from US to UK ❤ hope this helps! xx

  • @ellenhaben1217
    @ellenhaben1217 4 дня назад +1

    Very helpful

    • @themonicaway.
      @themonicaway.  4 дня назад

      So glad you found it helpful ❤️❤️❤️

  • @RKANogia
    @RKANogia 4 дня назад +1

  • @aliampb6949
    @aliampb6949 4 дня назад +1
