I Busted 24 Myths in Schoolboy Runaway!

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
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    Song: Tunetank - Real World (No Copyright Music)
    Music provided by Tunetank.
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    • REAL WORLD | Heroic Epic Fantasy Cine...
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Комментарии • 764

  • @ChexWorldwide
    @ChexWorldwide  Месяц назад +109

    WANNA PLAY TOGETHER!? FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM instagram.com/kaesennn/?hl=en

  • @FFOT78
    @FFOT78 Месяц назад +113

    Hello Chex

  • @Haaisley
    @Haaisley Месяц назад +6

    I love Chex's schoolboy runaway videos so much.

    • @Kpopploverx
      @Kpopploverx Месяц назад +1

      I keep seeing you

    • @Cupcakekatt
      @Cupcakekatt Месяц назад

      ​@@Kpopploverx bro wha-

    • @Cupcakekatt
      @Cupcakekatt Месяц назад

      I don't have a myth but I do have a prank for your brother foltyn if you want to....: first get foltyn to play schoolboy runaway and tell him to go to dad go in front of the TV and then tell him dad will rage quit and tell him to do that and then foltyn gets caught....

  • @Foltyn-fan-v7l
    @Foltyn-fan-v7l Месяц назад +6

    Foltyn try to hide in the closet the second closet, but you get caught, but he doesn’t have a secret spot if you open the closet if you go left in the closet try to look at the other closet that you could hide. It won’t even notice. Is that the best hiding spot he’ll leave your room?🎉❤

  • @ChrisJM123
    @ChrisJM123 17 дней назад +2

    Chex number 1 schoolboy runaway player in the world😂😂

  • @ProChanPlayz
    @ProChanPlayz Месяц назад +12

    If you are going to ring doorbell after she runs outside and opens gate then comes back, she won’t go to check anymore and will say “No one’s home!”

    • @jaygleeson
      @jaygleeson Месяц назад

      Or Screw them I won't come out anymore

    • @ericfletcher960
      @ericfletcher960 29 дней назад

      watch me win

    • @ProChanPlayz
      @ProChanPlayz 29 дней назад

      @@jaygleeson to me it only worked with mode menu

  • @QUERUM-w3f
    @QUERUM-w3f Месяц назад +2

    so about the bug spray glitch..
    Explanation: Get the bug spray anywhere in cabinets, then if u find, ring the doorbell and hide near like the wall u can hide and mom is going outside then go to the fridge and do the glitch with replay and play then if u success, spray the beehive and get a screwdriver ot what then break the roof and go on the wire and jump on the fence then go back outside for long time and u be in backrooms

  • @aalekhsushilkumar
    @aalekhsushilkumar 7 дней назад +1

    Chex I have a myth you can only do this if you have the mod menu if you set your player size to 0.1 and hide in a drawer and close it you can hide from mom and dad

  • @0rbxt.lxghtz
    @0rbxt.lxghtz Месяц назад +5

    0:42 awh man that was my myth.. :(

  • @Sboyzgamer
    @Sboyzgamer Месяц назад +1

    Chex in the other closet open everything and go to corner if mom are finding you in your room you can hide there no one can find you



  • @BriannaPina-q9l
    @BriannaPina-q9l Месяц назад +8

    Chex fans here

  • @lauratracy3498
    @lauratracy3498 Месяц назад +2

    Omg that was so useful

  • @WaffledragoN78
    @WaffledragoN78 Месяц назад +5

    New video = great vid 🎉

  • @MelonManGamingOfficial
    @MelonManGamingOfficial Месяц назад +1

    0:44 You Will Also Be Immune To The Mom

  • @abeersaleh9096
    @abeersaleh9096 Месяц назад +4


  • @LamarAlali-i8w
    @LamarAlali-i8w Месяц назад +1

    I love your vids and your brothers video ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @МарияИванова-ш8э
    @МарияИванова-ш8э 22 дня назад +1

    The closet but open the door and hide the side🎉

  • @Laniikiera
    @Laniikiera Месяц назад +1

    Oh and BTW you can type dad pitch 2 and mom pitch 2 too then they talk weird

  • @RONALDO-wv8tb
    @RONALDO-wv8tb Месяц назад +3

    If you ring doorbell a lot she will go out but if she goes back home and ring doorbell she will not go to the door

  • @eliankryeziu9757
    @eliankryeziu9757 Месяц назад

    People who will think he will switch to schoolboy run away

  • @nethunethu7646
    @nethunethu7646 Месяц назад +3

    Make it sunny and go to the end of this game and go.They will go do that please

  • @CocoaButter4me
    @CocoaButter4me Месяц назад

    You can make mom smile

  • @Calebdmitch
    @Calebdmitch Месяц назад +1

    Ring the doorbell, so many time then mom will rage and open the gate easily escape

  • @SagarChoudri-v7q
    @SagarChoudri-v7q Месяц назад +1

    Under 1 hour gang

  • @RehaanShafiq-ks2kq
    @RehaanShafiq-ks2kq Месяц назад +1

    Chex you are the goat and you should play Metel it’s like school boy run away but you get kidnaped and that guy in the house is the guy that kidnaps and you to escape that abandoned house in school boy runaway and people that made school boy runaway made Metel

  • @FreddieSpence-p7c
    @FreddieSpence-p7c Месяц назад

    bruh chex your the best then foltyn and nate❤❤❤❤

  • @BarkliGust
    @BarkliGust Месяц назад +28

    0:14 wait is that that me? finally im in a video LETS GO IM SO HAPPY IT WAS MY DREAM

  • @KenKen-u9c
    @KenKen-u9c Месяц назад +3

    Why does Chex head looks like kinder egg

  • @Camhuffblox
    @Camhuffblox Месяц назад +1

    Only chex fans can hit here

  • @Dti_forever_lovedti
    @Dti_forever_lovedti Месяц назад +1

    People who like lil Chex lol

  • @LaythandZein
    @LaythandZein 12 дней назад +1

    I dear u to to complete schoolboy runaway gate ending challenge mode

  • @AliciaRodrigues-e7p
    @AliciaRodrigues-e7p Месяц назад

    The best hiding spot is near the closet open the closet door and hide there (btw I love your videos but I just subscribed 😅😅)

  • @albert12798
    @albert12798 Месяц назад +1

    If u run to the forest u see a creepy person running to his house

    • @Mozzie-t9l
      @Mozzie-t9l Месяц назад

      Yeah I sawed it before I. Foltyn

  • @xbroken6944
    @xbroken6944 Месяц назад +1

    If you go to the computer there will be a game called matel at the right (not sure if it's real or not)

  • @2AMSlyteLive
    @2AMSlyteLive Месяц назад +1

    here before the bots

  • @ttvquazifyfn
    @ttvquazifyfn Месяц назад +1

    Under ten minutes

  • @Bruh_eg
    @Bruh_eg Месяц назад +1

    Favorite part of the video 0:00

  • @Kamkam_1720
    @Kamkam_1720 Месяц назад +1

    Under 1 hour people 👇

  • @Jacoby-v3y
    @Jacoby-v3y Месяц назад

    if you go to the closet right next to your bed, then open the door that will be right next to you, when you go to the side of it, once you do that, you will not be able to get found unless your parents saw you, do it, trust me it works

    @THEDEVKING778 Месяц назад +1

    Wait A Minute Thats Me!

  • @ShadyBloxtvgoat
    @ShadyBloxtvgoat Месяц назад +1


  • @Disaster8
    @Disaster8 Месяц назад +1

    Btw the hacks are called azza mods

  • @Thetitansofficaltv
    @Thetitansofficaltv Месяц назад +1

    Type clot spawn in the terminal in the computer and do any way to escape except backrooms and then if you wait after the message that shows your difficulty and time completion you can hear the monster eating you

  • @NotDarkWolf
    @NotDarkWolf Месяц назад

    you can go to the bar, please turn on light and look on the

  • @croatianmapz
    @croatianmapz Месяц назад

    I love your content and your channel❤❤

  • @pisethsea9893
    @pisethsea9893 15 дней назад

    Chex I know another hint if you go to the bathroom you got to get the screwdriver screw the vent and and going it does the hidden body

  • @ShilaRiphung-h7q
    @ShilaRiphung-h7q Месяц назад +1

    Do a mythic Die live command in the Computer

  • @Md.EnayetHossain-bf9qt
    @Md.EnayetHossain-bf9qt Месяц назад

    If you collected all gifts in schoolboy runaway you get a red sweater

  • @Italy-q6q
    @Italy-q6q 24 дня назад

    I don't miss is when you got to get the bug spray and and go go to the fridge around in the past and pass pause😅😮😊

  • @riyazshariff-my8is
    @riyazshariff-my8is Месяц назад +1

    If you type chipmunk mode in the terminal then your parents voices will sound squeaky and like a chipmunk

  • @traceyboudreau9091
    @traceyboudreau9091 Месяц назад

    If you go to the closet on the left from where you spawn there is a corner with a small space if you open the side closest to the corner you can hide there and the parents will never find you

  • @DarielDiego
    @DarielDiego Месяц назад

    Wassup chex 🎉🎉🎉❤

  • @ElijahSeecharan
    @ElijahSeecharan Месяц назад

    Hello Chex ❤❤❤❤😮😮😮😊😊😊🎉🎉

  • @matgamer452
    @matgamer452 Месяц назад +2

    1 second in already know its gonna hit

  • @sebastianandem2143
    @sebastianandem2143 Месяц назад

    9:37 he is a kidnapper by one of his other games and he lives in a secret cabin but to see him in his cabin turn your brightness up or do it in photoshop

  • @alansabir
    @alansabir Месяц назад +2

    He is not dumb he is a good youtuber

  • @Boz1novski
    @Boz1novski Месяц назад +1


  • @brittneyallen6628
    @brittneyallen6628 Месяц назад +1

    3:24 it’s real

  • @GiftyDubos-f9t
    @GiftyDubos-f9t Месяц назад

    How loves schoolboy run away

  • @YUY0rblx
    @YUY0rblx Месяц назад

    W myths ❤🎉 love ur vids

  • @Kamkam_1720
    @Kamkam_1720 Месяц назад +1

    Bro cussed at 9:17

  • @Lusio-pg5lg
    @Lusio-pg5lg Месяц назад

    The two cabinets 😊 that is closed open it and hide in the corner

  • @fancyduo7588
    @fancyduo7588 Месяц назад

    here is myth if you go to the terminal and type Mirror on it will Mirror the house you can also type Mirror off

  • @xvoi-w3w
    @xvoi-w3w Месяц назад

    myth: spawn clot on the pc then try to do the bug spray glitch then go outside and clot will chase you and your game will crash

  • @cr7sewei
    @cr7sewei Месяц назад +2

    Great video

  • @SimranKaurBendemeerps
    @SimranKaurBendemeerps Месяц назад

    1:30 you're supposed to type Clot with a upper case C

  • @silvanayounes3421
    @silvanayounes3421 Месяц назад

    Sometimes if you ring the door bell and mom goes out you can check in the fridge and they might be sleeping pills

  • @PriyankaSharma-op3zn
    @PriyankaSharma-op3zn Месяц назад

    If you go to the terminal on your computer you can type “Game time day” or “Game time night” and you can change the time while your in the game(Don’t know if it works on challenge mode

  • @Therealsimga
    @Therealsimga Месяц назад +2

    His voice it looks like his Brother foltyn

  • @emilymelodyplays
    @emilymelodyplays Месяц назад

    If you go to the computer and unlock type"menu mode on" and you can spawn anything

  • @Gray-x7b
    @Gray-x7b День назад

    If you go in the backroom and find the entity to catch you in your wake up go in the schoolboy sign and you see andrew clone

  • @Kjwinjk
    @Kjwinjk 17 дней назад +1

    Guys the is a girth that you can’t get catch but I well only say it if this commmet gets 10k likes and replies

  • @corbinbruzzese749
    @corbinbruzzese749 Месяц назад +1

    On the roof, your brother Fulton, your brother Fulton. He went on the roof. He has walk wall hacks go on the computer and it’s

  • @AprilMiles-x3e
    @AprilMiles-x3e Месяц назад

    Bro went so fast in school boy run away

  • @abdulahadahmad4944
    @abdulahadahmad4944 Месяц назад

    U can do the guy with viga dance as well

  • @DilaShivan-v6q
    @DilaShivan-v6q 2 дня назад

    you can hide in the side of the front door outside they won find you

  • @markjustincruz2240
    @markjustincruz2240 Месяц назад

    foltyn is the best❤❤❤😊😊

  • @tabiseelelwasylviesamsomul617
    @tabiseelelwasylviesamsomul617 23 дня назад

    Cheques you can glitch where the parents don't attack you you have to go by the Dad's room by the window and then you have to Crouch and go around and then go and show him and he wants attack you

  • @KyrenCollins
    @KyrenCollins 9 дней назад

    Get the car ending in secret powers that no music on Spotify

  • @friendsreact-u3l
    @friendsreact-u3l Месяц назад

    if you go to your room open the closet right by the bed and hide right by it

  • @ChathuraniUdeshika
    @ChathuraniUdeshika Месяц назад

    If you get caught you can get hide beside you you have a closet right and if you open the side of the closet door which is near the window and if you get caught you can hide there

  • @IrfanSohail-qd7bj
    @IrfanSohail-qd7bj 28 дней назад

    The old man is a kidnapper but the old man is so faster if you come closer he run faster

  • @kzkz-nm6ep
    @kzkz-nm6ep Месяц назад


  • @isaiahmontoya6152
    @isaiahmontoya6152 Месяц назад

    So you find the sky running? I need a kidnapper. And he goes to his house.

  • @Robloxlegend30
    @Robloxlegend30 Месяц назад

    I love your videos

  • @elisavetmathioulaki
    @elisavetmathioulaki Месяц назад

    When you go on the roof and spray the bees and get the nail puller and open the roof you can run and jump over the fence into the hay and run

  • @whatermelon-ic2wf
    @whatermelon-ic2wf Месяц назад

    Chex is the best
    100 ppl left 👇👇👇

  • @GRAYMASON2012
    @GRAYMASON2012 Месяц назад +1


  • @Honey_combx05
    @Honey_combx05 Месяц назад +1


  • @koboamongus
    @koboamongus Месяц назад +1


  • @Munir-f8x
    @Munir-f8x Месяц назад

    When you leave the house, you’re gonna see someone running to the other house if you go inside the house with the command menu, you’ll see somebody

  • @Lighterman-t6z
    @Lighterman-t6z Месяц назад

    If you lock your mom in the pantry then try to make your dad get in the pantry

  • @AvestaAvesta-m3g
    @AvestaAvesta-m3g Месяц назад

    You don’t need to ring the doorbell because just spawn Clot spawn and the mom will go in the that makes more time..😅

  • @ashoshmohammed3221
    @ashoshmohammed3221 4 дня назад

    Omg that's the the real you 😮😮😮

  • @NuT_sAuCe
    @NuT_sAuCe 16 дней назад

    OH OH IK IK you can change the fings like you can go to extreme mode practice mode I love it bc the mom/dad can't catch you

  • @mohamedafrah5259
    @mohamedafrah5259 Месяц назад

    So good video chex

  • @GalaxyAlex-m9n
    @GalaxyAlex-m9n Месяц назад

    Chex l love ur vids😊

  • @BabalwaKhabelana-e8e
    @BabalwaKhabelana-e8e 22 дня назад

    Actually you can go the first level up click the normal level then mother or Dad don't hear you don't check you and you escape it's very easy try it out

  • @AbdulHadi-hg2go
    @AbdulHadi-hg2go Месяц назад

    Did you know that if you Do Clot spawn and get caught by your dad then your mom wont be able to catch you