freedom of speech vs hate speech?

btw i made some research, looks like hate crimes started with Jewish discrimination and Obama extended it over black discrimination... no racism nor discrimination, just a little info


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
You straight scumbags can shut the fuck up and get the hell offa my FO :mad:

Fucking breeder scum reproducing without logic or thought :cussing we all know that this will result in a world like that depicted in idiocracy, you thoughtless heterosexual bastards :violent:


Hiliary 2020
btw i made some research, looks like hate crimes started with Jewish discrimination and Obama extended it over black discrimination... no racism nor discrimination, just a little info

its about time, As a white man I am sick of Jews and Blacks discriminating against me.
I'm totally serious.

and by the way, these new phrases.
haters gonna hate
epic fail ,
its about time, As a white man I am sick of Jews and Blacks discriminating against me.
I'm totally serious.

and by the way, these new phrases.
haters gonna hate
epic fail ,

You're being discriminated against by Jews and Blacks in Colombia??

"Epic fail":facepalm:

PS; Those phrases are not in any way more gay than some of the responses they target.


Hiliary 2020
No, those phrases a gay, plus meaningless
No, in colombia i get discriminated against by colombians
And yes, I have been discriminated against many times in my life by jews and blacks.
because i'm not jewish by the former and because i'm white by the latter.
and thats all i'm gonna say about that


We must all reserve the right to offend in a free society...

Clip from Dire Straits' ''Money ain't for nothin''.
(song recently banned in Oh, Canada if memory serves correct(?))

[''. .The little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy, that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire . .'']

The preceding is not hate speech in any way, shape or form as
the author did not incite violence, bodily harm or worse toward his subject.


Really, it need not be any more complicated than that.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
and thats all i'm gonna say about that

Forrest Gump lives.

I think everyone here knows how politically incorrect and insensitive I am. But honestly, I give less than a fuck about hate speech and the stupidity behind it. But to legislate speech to the extent that people can't say what they're really thinking smacks of Orwell.

Discrimination and hate will not go away because someone in Washington D.C. or any state capitol wants everyone to fart Elton John songs and piss rainbows. It's unrealistic and pretty stupid.
Hate speech should be banned.
You can't let some assholes do some demonstration against homosexual during a soldier's funeral.
You can't let some random mollah call to Jihad in the middle of the street


Forrest Gump lives.

I think everyone here knows how politically incorrect and insensitive I am. But honestly, I give less than a fuck about hate speech and the stupidity behind it. But to legislate speech to the extent that people can't say what they're really thinking smacks of Orwell.

Discrimination and hate will not go away because someone in Washington D.C. or any state capitol wants everyone to fart Elton John songs and piss rainbows. It's unrealistic and pretty stupid.

Reminds me of . . .

"We call things racism just to get attention. We reduce complicated problems to racism, not because it is racism, but because it works."

--- Alfredo Gutierrez, political consultant, as quoted by Richard de Uriarte, The Phoenix Gazette, March 14, 1992 (quoted in The ProEnglish Advocate, 1st quarter, 2002).


Will E Worm

We must all reserve the right to offend in a free society...

freedom of speech wins...and sometimes that includes hate speech...but the other joy of freedom of speech is the freedom to not listen

Freedom to Hate should be allowed

Freedom to say anything is the only way to go. :hatsoff:

Hate speech should be banned.


Where's this in the Constitution? :tongue:

You have the right to not listen or move to another country.

"Hate speech" and "hate crime" are liberal labels given to people that do not believe the way a liberal believes.
That is unAmerican.
As a non-American I don't care if things are "american" or "unamerican", if they are or not in the Consitution of the United States (or in the French Constitution either).
I just speak my mind. My conscience is the only thing I trust to tell me what's good and what's wrong.