what do you guys think? though one right?
btw i made some research, looks like hate crimes started with Jewish discrimination and Obama extended it over black discrimination... no racism nor discrimination, just a little info
its about time, As a white man I am sick of Jews and Blacks discriminating against me.
I'm totally serious.
and by the way, these new phrases.
haters gonna hate
epic fail ,
and thats all i'm gonna say about that
Forrest Gump lives.
I think everyone here knows how politically incorrect and insensitive I am. But honestly, I give less than a fuck about hate speech and the stupidity behind it. But to legislate speech to the extent that people can't say what they're really thinking smacks of Orwell.
Discrimination and hate will not go away because someone in Washington D.C. or any state capitol wants everyone to fart Elton John songs and piss rainbows. It's unrealistic and pretty stupid.
It is. You're allowed to hate. What's not allowed is to express that hate in public.Freedom to Hate should be allowed
We must all reserve the right to offend in a free society...
freedom of speech wins...and sometimes that includes hate speech...but the other joy of freedom of speech is the freedom to not listen
Freedom to Hate should be allowed
Hate speech should be banned.